We provide diverse and comprehensive employment screening services that can be customized to fit your business. Our services will enhance your ability to help you select the candidate who may be the right match for the job, while in the process reducing the risk of employee dishonesty, theft, drug and alcohol abuse, hiring lawsuits and workplace related violence. In essence, we help you feel confident that you’re making the right choice for your organization.
Start by simply choosing your desired screening services, and let us do the rest. Or, If you like we can assist your business with creating your own custom employment screening package.
Please take a few moments to learn more about us, and the services which we provide.

Criminal Record Searches
A County Criminal Record Search is a search of a specific county’s court records, and it is the most accurate and reliable form of researching a person’s potential criminal history. A standard county search includes both district and superior court searches, as county courts oversee criminal cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the State Court System. The cases held at the county level will include both felony, misdemeanor, and traffic offenses. This search is considered to be an essential part of any comprehensive employee background screening check.
How is the Search Performed?
In order to accomplish this search, our nationwide network of highly trained public record specialists contact, prepare, and work in unison with the respective county court administrators where the charges and or convictions were reported. This means that we send a court researcher in person to the requested county courthouse to perform a manual search of the court’s index and dockets. With access to over 3500 courthouses, we know that by going directly to the source, our affiliated team of court professionals have the expertise and knowledge to properly work on your behalf to ensure you have the most complete criminal history information available at your fingertips.
What information is reported on a County Criminal Record?
The records returned for county-level criminal searches generally includes information regarding the degree of the offense, offense dates, case numbers, filing dates, defendants, counts, trial dates, verdicts, disposition, disposition dates, and sentencing details. In some circumstances, other items on file may include: Warrants, previous arrests, dismissed charges, or current active charges.
If a criminal record is located, ESP’s researchers follow extensive procedures by examining the public records. This will ensure that the sourced information is accurate, current, and applies to your applicant’s vital information and identification.
Which counties should I order?
In order to better reduce the likelihood of workplace risk, and further protect from potential negligent hiring lawsuits, we recommend that, at a minimum, all counties of residence, work, and school be searched for a period of seven (7) years.
To offer both the best means of identification, and uncovering additional previous address where the applicant has lived and has been associated with; we recommend combing this search with our Social Security Verification and Address History Products.
How far back does the county criminal search go?
We provide a standard seven (7) Year Felony & Misdemeanor criminal history record search. However, the period of time actually covered in a county criminal record report varies based on how state and federal law apply to that specific background check, and how the county maintains its records, and the research methods it utilizes. If you choose, can certainly request to expand the scope of the search to 10 years or more, unless it is restricted by applicable state law limits.
What is the turnaround time for county criminal record searches?
Most County Criminal Records Checks are completed within 2-3 Business days, barring any unforeseen consequences or other complications. However, since County Criminal Court Searches are conducted on-site at the local court house or records location, and may involve individual county policies- turnaround times may vary by location
* All Criminal Record searches are conducted in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
TURNAROUND TIME: 2–3 Business Days
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a County Criminal Court search, please contact us for a price quote.
While it is true that County Level Criminal Searches are considered to be the cornerstone of every comprehensive criminal records search, conducting a National Criminal Records Scan will allow us to locate potential crimes in other states where the candidate may or may not have lived or work previously; this offers the most efficient way to instantly expand your coverage with a better chance of finding any criminal records. Since searching individual sources on a case-by case situation may be very expensive, time-consuming, and not cast a large enough geographical net. By combining the power of the National Criminal Records Scan, it will both expand the area of the search to include greater detail and further enhance and supplement your existing criminal records search package, while keeping the overall associated costs down.
What information is Searched?
These electronic records come from three sources: court records, law enforcement agencies and corrections agencies. With this one multi-jurisdictional search, the National Instant Criminal Scan sources and extracts information from the largest criminal database, available with over 600 million records covering all 50 states. This search draws records from thousands of jurisdictions, including counties, department of corrections (DOC), administrative office of courts (AOC), and offender registries from all states, plus Washington DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
The National Criminal Report contains:
- Type of record: felony, misdemeanor, some traffic records and some infractions, location, Jurisdiction, Court
- Offense description, Charges-Count, Nature, and Severity
- Returns: Name, Address on file, Case number, Sentence, Disposition, Parole, Release
- Any Additional identifying Physical information (e.g. height, weight, race, hair and eye color)
- Over one million photos from Department of Corrections records and some reported Sexual Offender Registries
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a National Criminal Record Scan, please contact us for a price quote.
A statewide criminal history runs a criminal record check by utilizing state repositories, and agencies to search for felony, misdemeanor, and traffic related criminal activity committed by a person with a particular state. These criminal record repositories are collections of records reported from the counties within that state. The standard scope for the statewide criminal record search is 7 years, however extended searches may be available in some areas that comply with state law.
Why Should I Run A Statewide Search ?
These searches are effectively utilized to expand a broader coverage in states where a person has resided and can help you locate criminal histories that may be overlooked when only focusing on a few select county-level criminal searches. Additionally, the state level searches can help identify and locate criminal records near places of residence, employers, and academic institutions. It is an essential check when looking to identify records for those who have lived and worked in a given state, and may be necessary to meet state compliance requirements for certain industries.
What Information Is Returned?
Name, Address on file, Case number, Charges-Count, Nature of Offense, Severity, Sentence, Offense, Disposition, Parole, Release, and Other Actions Taken by the Court.
SEARCH TURNAROUND TIME: 1 – 3 business days
This real time search contains currently registered and sex offenders with felony conviction records, which is provided by the U.S. Department of Justice. The information reported has been compiled from violent and sex offender registries in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Native Tribal Country. Although all 50 states do maintain sexual offender registries, not all of the respective states allow general public record access to registry information.
Information returned from sexual offender registry inquiries may include: name, alternate names, physical characteristics, date of birth, residential address, employer, county, state of conviction, date of conviction, and offense(s). When a sexual predator or offender moves locations or states they are typically required by law to register with state authorities.
The search can be used by any organization, however it can be particularly crucial to organizations that serve sensitive employment areas such as education, healthcare and childcare. Protect your employees, clients, and business by screening all job candidates with the Nationwide Sex Offender Search.
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a National Sex Offender Registry Search, please contact us for a price quote.
This is a nationwide electronic search of active, extraditable federal and state warrants, which may include felonies and misdemeanors for the requested subject. This service identifies any current arrest warrants, along with the issuing agency. Agencies and organizations like local and county police, sheriff’s offices, county and district courts, state district attorneys, the state’s department of corrections, probation and parole boards, and federal law enforcement agencies like the DEA, FBI, and the United States Marshall Service report their warrants. Where potential warrant information is identified, we research further with the issuing agency.
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a US Wants & Outstanding Warrants Scan, please contact us for a price quote.
Federal Criminal Reports reveal criminal complaints brought by the US government against individuals for violations of federal criminal law. These criminal charges are initiated by the government, generally through the U.S. attorney’s office in coordination with a law enforcement agency.
Federal crimes will not appear in a state or county criminal search. Because not all levels of criminal offenses fall within and under state or local jurisdictions, ESP provides criminal research in all 94 Federal District Courts throughout the United States of America- Included in the federal district system are Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands. The 94 U.S. judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits.
A search of the Federal District Courts is based on the following options:
- Specific federal district search
- All Federal Districts in a state, or multiple states
How is the Search Performed?
We obtain Federal Criminal Records from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system. The federal criminal search provides records from federal appellate courts, federal district courts, and federal bankruptcy courts.
What Types of Crimes Are Searched?
The federal criminal search includes federal felony convictions, federal misdemeanor convictions, and relevant activity on file.
Examples of Federal Crimes Include:
- Bank robbery
- Tax evasion
- Insider Trading
- embezzlement
- Counterfeiting
- Weapons Violations
- Crimes committed on Federal property
- Terrorism
- Kidnapping
- Interstate drug trafficking
The federal courts are comprised of:
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Courts of Appeals
- U.S. District Courts
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a Federal Criminal Court Search, please contact us for a price quote.
With employers demands to meet due diligence practices and human resources recruiting efforts expanding beyond the continental United States, companies more than ever are requiring fast and reliable access to international search capabilities. Due to the global nature and interconnectivity of today’s society, these specialized forms of criminal record checks are becoming vital in order for an employer to gain access to locations where the applicant has lived or worked abroad.
To meet this growing need of our clients, ESP has incorporated the ability to perform international criminal searches in over 200 countries and territories.
How and are these Searches Conducted?
Through our close affiliations with trusted public record experts, private agencies, and global record retrieval specialists, we are able to gain access to and perform physical criminal record checks throughout the world in the most cost-effective and timely manner possible. These criminal history requests are searched at the appropriate courthouse, police station or other official government designated records repository. However, in some countries, record searches are available at the national, state or province level.
What’s Included in an International Background Record?
International criminal requests search for criminal records comparable to U.S. felonies, and lesser violations when available.
Reports will include the country, province or city where a record exists, sentence, date of sentence, case number, date of the offense, classification (felony or misdemeanor offense, or the equivalency) and defendant’s name, address and date of birth.
Due to the complexities involving international search request The turnaround time for International Criminal Records Searches varies widely. Since may be subject to limited availability based on a country’s laws and regulations, on Average, the processing time is 7-30 Business Days. Please note: In order to complete the criminal search, additional forms or documents may be required by certain countries during the process.
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting an International Search, please contact us for a price quote.
Also known as the USA Patriot Act Search, the OFAC list scans for and identifies potential matches among known terrorists, terrorist supporters, drug traffickers, high profile offenders, and companies who may be involved in terrorist activities, money laundering, illegal import and export, governmental fraud, federal banking violations, or those engaged in activities relating to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. By screening your employees with this product, you are in compliance with the USA Patriot Act , are possibly preventing potential terrorists from deriving and receiving an income for their terrorist activities. We recommend this search for banking, investment, financial employees, transportation workers, state or government contractors, and hazardous material handlers.
In the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11, Congress passed the U.S. Patriot Act. Its official title is, “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001.”
The law was primarily designed to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and further expand the scope of industries which are required to conduct such screenings under existing laws. As a result, The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), a department of US Treasury was created, and it is the official body that oversees and determines whether or not an entity or individual is permitted to do business with the United States. In order to accomplish this vital task, the department maintains a number of terrorist databases by various parts of the US government, as well as foreign governments and International organizations. Federal law specifies that all individuals and organizations within the United States are responsible for ensuring that they do not undertake business dealings with an individual or entity listed on the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons List.
What are the Sources used for the Patriot Act Search?
This international database of information provides an instant search of 100+ national and international lists including Health and Human Services Department of the Inspector General Exclusions List, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Designated Nationals List, Interpol Fugitive Lists, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Most Wanted List, Food and Drug Administration Debarment List, Office of the Controller of the Current (OCC) Enforcement Actions Lists, And General Services Administration (GSA) Excluded Parties List.
- United Nations Named Terrorist List
- Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
- Bank of England Sanctions
- Department of Defense Trade Controls (DTC) Debarred Parties
- U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security Unverified Entity List
- U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security Denied Entity List
- U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security Denied Persons List
- World Bank List of Debarred Firms
TURNAROUND TIME: Same day- 1 Business Day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a US Patriot Act Search, please contact us for a price quote.

Driving Records
A driving record history, or motor vehicle report will provide a summary of an individual’s driving record history, and verify the driver’s license number which was submitted to you by your applicant.
Why Check Their Driving Record?
Reviewing a driving record history is an ideal way to identify candidates or employees who may have unsafe, or irresponsible driving histories, and it may provide insight into their character, or behavioral driving traits.
Checking a driving record of any employee, whose job will require either occasional or frequent amounts of driving, is an essential step in order to help mitigate overall company risk and further safeguard the employer. Even if the employee being considered does not require the use of a company vehicle, many employers will include motor vehicle records as part of their normal hiring process, as it will provide an enhanced overall employment snapshot of the applicant. Adding a motor vehicle history report in your background check package will allow you to select and hire drivers with confidence.
What Information Does The Record Show?
Identity Information:
Name, Date of Birth, Address, County, Gender, Hair Color, Eye Color, and Weight
Driver Specific Details:
- Generally shows a 3-7 Year History
- Driver License Number
- License status
- Current license class
- Expiration date
- Driving restrictions
- Traffic Accidents & Accident history
- Infractions
- Citation history Total Points (including deducted DMV points)
- Convictions
- Safe and Defense Driving Course Attendance
- General remarks
We Provide Driving Record Histories In the Following States, Including Canada, and Puerto Rico:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Driving records are obtained directly from the Motor Vehicle Administration from each state, and all records are accessed in compliance with both the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and state laws. Please Note: All Department of Motor Vehicles charge a state fee to access driving record information.
A Commercials Driver’s License, also referred to as a CDL, is a driver’s license which is required to operate large or heavy vehicles. This CDL record demonstrates to carriers and employers that the applicant is a certified and competent Professional Truck Driver.
To drive certain types of commercial motor vehicles in the United States, the federal government requires drivers to possess a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Additionally, companies regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) are required to request motor vehicle record reports annually on their drivers.
What Are CDL Classifications?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established regulations pertaining to background investigations on commercially licensed drivers (CDLs), outlining minimum screening requirements companies that hire commercially licensed drivers are required to follow. When a state issues a commercials driver’s license, these federal minimum requirements must be meet. The guidelines specify the following types of licenses, which are listed below.
A driver is required to have a CDL if the vehicle meets one of the following classifications; Each classification is distinguished by the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
CDL-A: A commercial driver’s license which authorizes the use of any combination of vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001 pounds and has the capability of towing in excess of 10,000 pounds.
CDL-B: A commercial driver’s license which authorizes the use of any combination of vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001 pounds but cannot tow a vehicle in excess of 10,000 pounds.
CDL-C: A commercial driver’s license which authorizes the use of a single or combination of vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001 or more pounds but does not meet the definition of the Class A or Class B, but is allowed to transport more than 16 passengers or transports hazardous materials.
What Information Does the CDL Report Show?
Identity Information:
Name, Date of Birth, Address, County, Gender, Hair Color, Eye Color, and Weight
Driver Specific Details:
- Generally shows a 3-7 Year History
- CDL License Number
- Status
- CDL classification
- Expiration date
- Accident history
- Infractions
- Citation history Total Points (including deducted)
- Convictions
- General remarks
Common Endorsements
- Double/Triple Trailers
- Farm Equipment
- Hazmat
- Passenger
- School Bus
- Tank Vehicle
- Transport Liquids or Gasses in Cargo Tanks
Common Restrictions
- Cannot Drive Class A Buses
- Corrective Lenses
- Daylight Driving Only
- No Air Brakes
- Other (Customized Text Including, Alcohol, Interlock, Etc.)
- Outside Mirrors
We Provide CDL Report Histories In the Following States, Including Canada, and Puerto Rico:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Driving records are obtained directly from the Motor Vehicle Administration from each state, and all records are accessed in compliance with both the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and state laws. Please Note: All Department of Motor Vehicles charge a state fee to access driving record information.
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day

Identification Services
This is considered both the first step and an essential part of the employment screening process, as we highly recommend anyone who orders a background check should always include this source within their screening package.
Not only is this search instrumental in determining if there is an independent match made with an individuals listed information; it will also identify additional names and addresses which can then ultimately be used by the employer to decide exactly where to search, and how far to expand the scope of the search in order uncover additional potential criminal histories.
What is a Social Security Number Trace and what does it do?
To make an accurate and strong association with your potential candidate, we begin with the social security trace, which is based on the social security number submitted by the applicant. This trace will determine whether the number is valid, is checked against the SSN deceased records, reveals both the state where it is was issued and year, previous and present addresses, names, maiden names, alias, and possible also known as (AKA’s) which have been identified with the provided number. An individual can often attempt to utilize someone else’ vital information (i.e. SSN, Date of Birth) when applying for an employment position, or conceal derogatory information. This step is critical in order to rule out these discrepancies, prevent SSN fraud, identify misused addresses, and potential problems.
What are the Sources used for a Social Security Number Trace?
We utilize many sources to locate and uncover additional addresses. The Social Security number with Address History Trace uses the “credit header” information; which is the non-confidential top portion of the credit report. This is not the full equivalent of credit report, or credit score of an individual’s consumer credit history. The name, address, SSN, and employer details, listed for each credit application are placed into an individual database and this scan then locates all associated names and addresses in the file associated with a specific Social Security Number. This information does not include financial and credit information, only that of identity and employer based details. These are essentially the same as those derived from the proprietary databases maintained when personal information is submitted via credit applications to the major Credit Reporting Agencies. As an example, this database contains information from lending institutions for preapproved credit card offers, utility companies, schools, and credit card companies. In this way, it is a powerful research tool for uncovering both vital and address information, which may not always be so easily provided or volunteered by the applicant.
Why Do We Use It and what is the benefit?
The easiest way for an individual to attempt to conceal a criminal background, would be purposely not disclosing all the places where they have lived and have been employed over the last few years. If this is the case, then the employer has no way to determine if a fraudulent employment applicant has been submitted, and if there are criminal charges elsewhere. By not using the identification resources of this search, the discovery of such applicant details would be nearly impossible.
It is for these and various other pertinent reasons, why we strongly advocate incorporating this search into your human resource requirements.
TURNAROUND TIME: Same day- 1 Business Day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a Social Security Number Search, please contact us for a price quote.
This multi-faceted national search includes known aliases, which are sourced from a name and address history based on the subject’s social security number. The names searched for the included the primary name and other names located in the name and address history for your subject, such as maiden names, previously married names, middle names, used as first names, nicknames, and other aliases.
Verification is required in CA, CT, ME, MN, and IN
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a U.S Alias Search, please contact us for a price quote.
This search combines the National Criminal Record Scan plus adds the power of a US Alias Search provided from a Social Security Trace.
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a Multi State- US Alias National Criminal Scan, please contact us for a price quote.
The search identifies Mail drops, mail forwarding services, and messaging services which may serve a legitimate and lawful purpose. However, they may also be used as tools in criminal enterprise. Particularly in online fraud and identity theft. To aide within this area, this database, will quickly identify red flags and potential high risk addresses thereby reducing risk and potential liability.
Will assist in prevention and detection of potential fraud, but also identifies possible incorrect entries in the data.
AVERAGE TURNAROUND TIME: Same day-1 business day
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a High Risk Address Search, please contact us for a price quote.

Civil Court Searches
This search shows you if an applicant was a defendant or plaintiff in a civil lawsuit. Civil cases are any non-criminal lawsuits filed by or against any individual, and are useful in uncovering litigation activity the applicant has been involved in.
Where is the Search Performed?
These records are housed in courts at the county level and all cases are separated into “Upper” and “Lower” records search based on the dollar amount determined of each case (Specific state law dictates what amount is considered to be “upper” and “lower”).
What Information Does a Civil Records Search Show?
Generally, in civil cases the only identifier is a name match only, unlike criminal cases that have a date of birth match.
These records may include filing and receiving parties, relevant dates, judgment and settlement details or listed remedies as available in the case file. However, In the instance of a settlement, specific details may be under seal by the court.
In the event a civil case is reported at the county level you will get information regarding the plaintiff, defendant, style of case (collections, unlawful detainer, etc.), date the case was filed, date the case was disposed, disposition of the case, and case number. Additionally, this search is also valuable in identifying any court settlements that would indicate a risk when hiring an applicant
What Types of Cases Commonly Uncovered?
- Breach of Contract
- Foreclosures
- Lawsuits
- Non Payment of Goods
- Paternity Suits
- Domestic Disputes
- Divorce
- Restraining Orders
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a County Civil Court Search, please contact us for a price quote.
The Federal Civil Records Search is a Nationwide or District level search for civil cases filed in United States District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate Courts. We obtain nationwide Federal Civil Records for adjudicated civil cases from all U.S. Federal District courts, not including Alaska, Guam, Idaho, New Mexico and Northern Marianas Islands.
What Information is Reported?
A federal civil case involves a legal dispute between two or more parties, in which a private complaint that accuses a person or organization of failing to uphold a legal obligation or exercising more authority than existing law allows.
Typically the record will show 7 years, however the reporting period for federal civil cases depends on the current state law where the record was found.
Report results include: comprehensive docket summary information, including returns file date, parties involved, cause of action and case status when cases are uncovered
Examples of Civil Case Include:
- Anti-Trust Activity
- Federal Code Violations
- Civil Rights Issues
- Land Usage
- Interstate Commerce
- Federal Weapons Statues
- Personal injury lawsuits
- Civil rights lawsuits
- Wrongful death
- Copyright infringement
- Breach of contract
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a Federal Civil Court Search, please contact us for a price quote.
Bankruptcy hearings are processed in bankruptcy courts, which are located in federal courts. A bankruptcy report provides details of bankruptcies associated with the subject that is recorded in the specific US district bankruptcy court system.
There are 94 judicial districts for bankruptcies in the U.S., and all bankruptcy filings are adjudicated in these courts.
What are the different types of Bankruptcies?
- Chapter 7 – Liquidation under the Bankruptcy Code for individuals and businesses
- Chapter 11 – Reorganization under the Bankruptcy Code used primarily by businesses
- Chapter 12 – Rehabilitation for family farmers or fisherman only
- Chapter 13 – Individual debt adjustment used for individuals who are employed with a regular source of income.
What Information is reported from the search?
- Full Name
- Jurisdiction where record is recorded
- Case or file number
- Date filed
- Filing Type
- Parties involved
- Trustee
- Type of bankruptcy
- Conditions set forth
- Adjudication Date
Please Note: Although Federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants because they have filed for bankruptcy; private employers who assess consumer credit history as relevant job-related search, are permitted to deny employment based on a bankruptcy filing. Additionally, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) prohibits background check companies from reporting bankruptcies that occurred more than 10 years prior to the date of the background check. (remove highlighted background)
PRICING: If you are interested in conducting a Federal Bankruptcy Search, please contact us for a price quote.